Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Fridays at the Natural History Museum

When I was a child, I always, always wanted to see dinosaurs. I went to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. once, but got caught up in the other fabulous exhibits that the museum closed before I made it to the Dinosaur Hall.

Naturally, when the Art & Law Society at my Law School announced that the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles was having a "Dinner & Dance in the Dinosaur Hall," I was ecstatic!

First Fridays: The Natural History Museum.

On the First Friday of every month, the Natural History Museum on Exposition Drive opens its doors to a live band, throngs of party-goers and museum enthusiasts.

Many of the Museum's Halls were opened to the public for $6.50, which includes being able to watch and rock to a live band. They also opened the Mammal Hall and turned it into a night Lounge where wines and appetizers were served amidst glow-in-the dark cubes and dark chaise couches.

It's a great way to hang out with friends, dress-up to go to the museum, listen to live music and just have fun. This is how we nerds get down!


I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the museum and the unique way to spend a Friday night out with friends.

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